The first meeting of the Alaska Geological Society was held in Anchorage December 3, 1957.
AGS History.
This group held meetings on a regular basis. On October 7, 1958, membership dues were approved and on November 8, 1960, a membership of 39 approved a statement of purpose and by-laws. The group has grown steadily to the present total of 350 members. Diversity has been a source of strength for the Alaska Geological Society. Geologists from the academic, mining, petroleum, and engineering fields are represented in its membership. The society grew as geologists found that meetings offered exposure to the many facets of Alaskan geology and the opportunity to meet other Alaskan geologists. The program chairman initially was at a loss to think of a subject appealing to all the geologic interests represented but it soon was apparent that a good paper on any branch of geologic investigation captured the attention of the entire group. Much of the work of the society is done by standing committees. Noteworthy contributions have been made by the Stratigraphic and Publications Committees which have prepared and published structure and stratigraphic studies and guidebooks. The continuing Education Committee has obtained world-renowned speakers and resented outstanding seminars and special programs for the membership. The society is not interested solely in itself. The Community Services committee initiates a volunteer-geologist speaker pool and provides the Anchorage Borough School District with science and geology classes by many lecturers on a variety of subjects. Read significant milestones of our society's growth - PDF |