Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts should cover the objectives, procedures, results, and tentative conclusions of the research and should be no more than 2,500 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The title, authors, and authors’ affiliations are not included in the character limit. Acceptance of abstracts is based on relevance of subject matter; usefulness of contribution to the advancement of knowledge, techniques, or practice; and overall clarity and organization. AGS would like to opportunity to publish posters to the AGS main website. Upon approval and submittal of your poster, please indicate in the questionnaire if you approve publishing your poster to the website. Titles Are Required. They should be brief and state the topic. In keeping with the spirit of the convention, presenters must refrain from making subtle or blatant sales pitches including but not limited to: repeated use of product names, trade names or pictures, or repeated use of company logo. Logos are appropriate on title slides and summary/conclusion slides, but not on each slide of the presentation. Student submissions are highly encouraged. Submit your abstract in the form in which you would like it published. Spell-check is your friend but will not catch everything. Proofread your abstracts. Abstracts will not be edited. The authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 15th, 2022. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to upload a copy of their poster to AGS website. Posters will remain online for meeting registrants until May 21, 2022. Poster format is up to the author, there will not be a specific poster layout since the presentations and publishing are online. Important: AGS has no funding for speakers. Do not submit an abstract unless at least one author will be able to present at the convention. We can accommodate presenters in remote locations, so it is not necessary to attend the meeting in person in Fairbanks, provided that presenters have a reliable internet connection and will be present at the scheduled presentation time. All presenters must register to attend the convention. No exceptions will be made. Poster Sessions: Hybrid poster sessions are planned. Presenters are required to email their posters to [email protected] by April 20, 2022. Presenters are also asked to prepare a maximum of 5 slides (PowerPoint, Google slides, or other). Use the SLIDE TEMPLATE AVAILABLE HERE. Each presenter is allotted a total of 10 minutes, preferably split between 7 minutes to speak on the highlights presented in their poster, followed by 3 minutes for questions. Because posters will be online, poster dimensions and style will be left up to the authors. |
Abstract Submit Deadline: Monday, April 11, 2022 Fill out the online abstract form by clicking on the button below. Email the posters to the below email. Email Posters to:
[email protected] For More Information |
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Recording & Reproduction Policy:
The Alaska Geological Society prohibits photography, reproduction, or video or audio recording of any presentations at AGS-hosted meetings, conventions, or poster sessions unless the presenter expressly requests otherwise in writing.
The Alaska Geological Society prohibits photography, reproduction, or video or audio recording of any presentations at AGS-hosted meetings, conventions, or poster sessions unless the presenter expressly requests otherwise in writing.